image of READY prompt

This web site was constructed in tribute to the Wang 2200 computer, a computer that set the direction of my professional life. I hope it serves to inform people of its existence and what it was: a personal computer, developed about five years before they actually became common.

One issue that concerns me is that matter of intellectual property: patents and copyrights. I have no authority to share most of what is on this web site. I do it anyway, with the explicit statement that if the rightful owners of the information do not want it online, I will remove it. If I've made an error, I hope they will forgive my presumption, as I do it only to honor their work. If I was to only post what I was able to get explicit approval for, then very little could be posted, since the owners of these rights have gone missing for the most part.

This stance seems to be widely shared in the community of people who collect old computers (which is to be distinguished from the "warez" collectors that are simply looking to get current software without paying for it).

An attempt to get permission from Getronics was answered neither in the affirmative nor the negative. I took this to be a tacit OK, although legally it probably doesn't count for much.

Finally, my apologies for such a weak-minded, uninformed legal statement. I try to spend as little time as possible around that kind of stuff.